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Andrew Capobianco

Men's Swimming & Diving

All-Star profile

Andrew Capobianco athlete profile head shot

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2020 US Olympic Silver Medalist. 2x NCAA Diving Champion for Indiana Hoosiers. Planning to continue diving until 2024 and 2028. I grew up in New York and then moved to North Carolina to pursue my diving goals. I am also very passionate about working with disabled children and I am the head of the Student Athlete committee for the IU Dance Marathon to raise money for Riley Children’s Hospital. I enjoy spending a lot of time outside and staying active outside my sport.


Indiana Hoosiers • Big Ten • NCAA • Team USA


Collegiate All-American • Collegiate All-Conference • Collegiate National Award Winner • Collegiate Player of the week • World Cup/Championship Bronze Medalist • Olympic/Paralympic Silver Medalist • World Cup Bronze Medalist


Bloomington, IN, USA


Professional athlete • Male • White • 24 • English


Holly Springs, NC, USA


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Athlete profile featured image number 5 of 5

Andrew Capobianco

Men's Swimming & Diving

All-Star profile

Andrew Capobianco athlete profile head shot



2020 US Olympic Silver Medalist. 2x NCAA Diving Champion for Indiana Hoosiers. Planning to continue diving until 2024 and 2028. I grew up in New York and then moved to North Carolina to pursue my diving goals. I am also very passionate about working with disabled children and I am the head of the Student Athlete committee for the IU Dance Marathon to raise money for Riley Children’s Hospital. I enjoy spending a lot of time outside and staying active outside my sport.


Indiana Hoosiers • Big Ten • NCAA • Team USA


Collegiate All-American • Collegiate All-Conference • Collegiate National Award Winner • Collegiate Player of the week • World Cup/Championship Bronze Medalist • Olympic/Paralympic Silver Medalist • World Cup Bronze Medalist


Bloomington, IN, USA


Professional athlete • Male • White • 24 • English


Holly Springs, NC, USA


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Andrew will record a video for you

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Andrew will attend your practice or event



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For brand or business use

For brand or business use

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