Andy Corneau
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I'm with OJHL Images as a Senior Photographer #P06 & the Logistics Coordinator I also do freelance work shooting various sporting events along with nature photography my passion for photography started out with a birthday gift subscription to National Geographic from my sister Carole & exploded in High School with my first SLR a Canon A1 a gift from my Dad which lead me to join the Camera Club. I no longer have my A1 but have kept shooting, & was introduced to Photo Mechanic 10+ years ago and Photoshop by a friend after venturing into the DSLR world with my old Nikon D700 (still got this one) but now shoot with a D4S & D850 and Nikkor glass my print work is done with an Epson P800 Social media is the new norm and is an amazing platform for images, but it's still about the image and capturing that one shot is what drives me
Bowmanville, ON, Canada
Other • Male • White • English
Sudbury, ON, Canada
Andy Corneau
I'm with OJHL Images as a Senior Photographer #P06 & the Logistics Coordinator I also do freelance work shooting various sporting events along with nature photography my passion for photography started out with a birthday gift subscription to National Geographic from my sister Carole & exploded in High School with my first SLR a Canon A1 a gift from my Dad which lead me to join the Camera Club. I no longer have my A1 but have kept shooting, & was introduced to Photo Mechanic 10+ years ago and Photoshop by a friend after venturing into the DSLR world with my old Nikon D700 (still got this one) but now shoot with a D4S & D850 and Nikkor glass my print work is done with an Epson P800 Social media is the new norm and is an amazing platform for images, but it's still about the image and capturing that one shot is what drives me
Bowmanville, ON, Canada
Other • Male • White • English
Sudbury, ON, Canada
For brand or business use
For brand or business use
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