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Anthony Liggins

Anthony Liggins athlete profile head shot

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Anthony Liggins is an exceptional high school student athlete class of 2026. With years of dedication and hard work on and off the field. Liggins has become a standout player in little league and now the best Running Back freshmen playing at the varsity level. Being a 5’7 170 lb skilled RB, Liggins brings unparalleled strength, agility, and strategic thinking to every practice and every game. But Liggins talent isn't limited to the field. Off the field, Liggins is a leader in the classroom and an active member of the community. Liggins is known for his strong work ethic, positive attitude, and commitment to excellence in everything he does. Overall, Liggins is a true role model for aspiring student athletes everywhere. With a bright future ahead, it's clear that Liggins has what it takes to go far in both sports and life.


Racine, WI, USA


Student athlete


Racine, Wisconsin, USA

Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 5
Athlete profile featured image number 2 of 5
Athlete profile featured image number 3 of 5
Athlete profile featured image number 4 of 5
Athlete profile featured image number 5 of 5

Anthony Liggins

Anthony Liggins athlete profile head shot



Anthony Liggins is an exceptional high school student athlete class of 2026. With years of dedication and hard work on and off the field. Liggins has become a standout player in little league and now the best Running Back freshmen playing at the varsity level. Being a 5’7 170 lb skilled RB, Liggins brings unparalleled strength, agility, and strategic thinking to every practice and every game. But Liggins talent isn't limited to the field. Off the field, Liggins is a leader in the classroom and an active member of the community. Liggins is known for his strong work ethic, positive attitude, and commitment to excellence in everything he does. Overall, Liggins is a true role model for aspiring student athletes everywhere. With a bright future ahead, it's clear that Liggins has what it takes to go far in both sports and life.


Racine, WI, USA


Student athlete


Racine, Wisconsin, USA

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Anthony will record a video for you

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Anthony will post on social media for you



Anthony will attend your practice or event



Anthony will sign something for you

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Anthony will respond to your custom request

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For brand or business use

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