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Indian Hills Community College NIL Marketplace

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Ava Smith

Softball • Outfielder

All-Star profile

Ava Smith athlete profile head shot

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Indian Hills #4 Outfield I am a freshman majoring in psychology and want to go into social work after college I have given hitting lessons in the past! I love singing, all kinds of music, and reading when I’m not playing softball. I am a big energy drink enthusiast, and I also love my coffee in the mornings! In the summer and on breaks I work at Smokey Row coffee shop. I also am a member of the Lutheran Church of Hope and volunteer with the Onebody special ed program there!


Indian Hills Community College - Ottumwa


High School State Champion


Ottumwa, IA, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Waukee, IA, USA


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Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 5
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Athlete profile featured image number 4 of 5
Athlete profile featured image number 5 of 5

Ava Smith

Softball • Outfielder

All-Star profile

Ava Smith athlete profile head shot



Indian Hills #4 Outfield I am a freshman majoring in psychology and want to go into social work after college I have given hitting lessons in the past! I love singing, all kinds of music, and reading when I’m not playing softball. I am a big energy drink enthusiast, and I also love my coffee in the mornings! In the summer and on breaks I work at Smokey Row coffee shop. I also am a member of the Lutheran Church of Hope and volunteer with the Onebody special ed program there!


Indian Hills Community College - Ottumwa


High School State Champion


Ottumwa, IA, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Waukee, IA, USA


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For personal use

Frequently purchased



Ava will record a video for you

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Ava will post on social media for you



Ava will attend your practice or event



Ava will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


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For brand or business use

For brand or business use

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