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Mary Hardin-Baylor Crusaders NIL Marketplace

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Bailee Lane

Women's Tennis

All-Star profile

Bailee Lane athlete profile head shot

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I’m currently a sophomore at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor where I also compete on the tennis team. I’m majoring in pre-physical therapy and plan on finishing my doctoral degree here at UMHB. I’m from Lindale, Texas where I attended Lindale Highschool and competed on their tennis team for four years. I’ve been playing tennis since junior high and have been able to compete at the state level in high school two times, earning a state semifinalist title for girls singles my senior year.


Mary Hardin Baylor Crusaders • American Southwest Conference


Belton, TX, USA

Lindale, TX, USA

Tyler, TX, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Lindale, TX, USA


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Athlete profile featured image number 5 of 5

Bailee Lane

Women's Tennis

All-Star profile

Bailee Lane athlete profile head shot



I’m currently a sophomore at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor where I also compete on the tennis team. I’m majoring in pre-physical therapy and plan on finishing my doctoral degree here at UMHB. I’m from Lindale, Texas where I attended Lindale Highschool and competed on their tennis team for four years. I’ve been playing tennis since junior high and have been able to compete at the state level in high school two times, earning a state semifinalist title for girls singles my senior year.


Mary Hardin Baylor Crusaders • American Southwest Conference


Belton, TX, USA

Lindale, TX, USA

Tyler, TX, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Lindale, TX, USA


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Disability advocacy

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For personal use

Frequently purchased



Bailee will record a video for you

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Bailee will post on social media for you



Bailee will attend your practice or event



Bailee will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Bailee will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

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