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Carlos Stadtlober

Men's Volleyball • Setter, Libero, Outside hitter

All-Star profile

Carlos Stadtlober athlete profile head shot

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Hello, everyone. My name is Carlos, I am from Brazil and I go to college in Ohio. I used to play at a professional level in Brazil, but I came to the US to manage studies and volleyball at the same time. As a freshman, I was AVCA National Player of the Week, and SIAC offensive and player of the week. I can play in more than one position, which is great because it makes me versatile on the court. I am very connected to my social medias, and being from another country I am able to show them how everything works in the United States. I like sharing my routine and how is it looks live the student/athlete life.


Brazilian Men's Volleyball Superliga • Campeonato Paulista • NCAA • Central State University


Collegiate Player of the week • Collegiate Conference Champion


Wilberforce, OH, USA


Student athlete • Male • White • English, Portuguese


Planalto, State of Paraná, Brazil


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Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 5
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Athlete profile featured image number 5 of 5

Carlos Stadtlober

Men's Volleyball • Setter, Libero, Outside hitter

All-Star profile

Carlos Stadtlober athlete profile head shot



Hello, everyone. My name is Carlos, I am from Brazil and I go to college in Ohio. I used to play at a professional level in Brazil, but I came to the US to manage studies and volleyball at the same time. As a freshman, I was AVCA National Player of the Week, and SIAC offensive and player of the week. I can play in more than one position, which is great because it makes me versatile on the court. I am very connected to my social medias, and being from another country I am able to show them how everything works in the United States. I like sharing my routine and how is it looks live the student/athlete life.


Brazilian Men's Volleyball Superliga • Campeonato Paulista • NCAA • Central State University


Collegiate Player of the week • Collegiate Conference Champion


Wilberforce, OH, USA


Student athlete • Male • White • English, Portuguese


Planalto, State of Paraná, Brazil


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Arts & culture

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Movies & TV

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For personal use

Frequently purchased



Carlos will record a video for you

More options for family, friends, or yourself



Carlos will post on social media for you



Carlos will attend your practice or event



Carlos will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Carlos will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

Use our step-by-step deal builder to send offers or post opportunities for a marketing campaign

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