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Conner Hale

Women's Swimming & Diving • Freestyle

Conner Hale athlete profile head shot

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I am a collegiate student-athlete for the Sewanee Swim & Dive team and my position is the 100 yard Freestyle race before my career was cut short due to a chronic ear issues; I help out with assisting my coach and leading my team to victory. I am currently double majoring in English and Classics with a minor in Theater in hopes of pursuing a career in fashion journalism for a publishing magazine. My favorite hobbies that I try to pursue daily would be spending time with friends/family, taking care of my cat, making various works of art, posting about fashion and food trends on my Instagram stories, studying for tests, readings books and hiking/walking. Personal interests include healthy food blogging, David Yurman jewelry, fashion research, Retrofête connoisseur, posting aesthetic TikToks, eating at One Eleven in my hometown, skincare, Sommer Swim bikinis, cooking/baking, drinking Starbucks Matcha iced lattes and TheRealReal sales.


Sewanee: The University of the South • Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference • Southern States Athletic Conference • Southern Athletic Association


Sewanee, TN, USA

Nashville, TN, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Little Rock, AR, USA


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Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 5
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Athlete profile featured image number 5 of 5

Conner Hale

Women's Swimming & Diving • Freestyle

Conner Hale athlete profile head shot



I am a collegiate student-athlete for the Sewanee Swim & Dive team and my position is the 100 yard Freestyle race before my career was cut short due to a chronic ear issues; I help out with assisting my coach and leading my team to victory. I am currently double majoring in English and Classics with a minor in Theater in hopes of pursuing a career in fashion journalism for a publishing magazine. My favorite hobbies that I try to pursue daily would be spending time with friends/family, taking care of my cat, making various works of art, posting about fashion and food trends on my Instagram stories, studying for tests, readings books and hiking/walking. Personal interests include healthy food blogging, David Yurman jewelry, fashion research, Retrofête connoisseur, posting aesthetic TikToks, eating at One Eleven in my hometown, skincare, Sommer Swim bikinis, cooking/baking, drinking Starbucks Matcha iced lattes and TheRealReal sales.


Sewanee: The University of the South • Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference • Southern States Athletic Conference • Southern Athletic Association


Sewanee, TN, USA

Nashville, TN, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Little Rock, AR, USA


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