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UNC Asheville Bulldogs NIL Marketplace

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Dakota McCaughan

Women's Basketball • Guard

Dakota McCaughan athlete profile head shot

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As I sit here beginning to type all the reasons I’d love to be involved, I’m overwhelmed with a multitude of emotions. First and foremost, I feel blessed with a sense of joy. As such, a feeling of immense gratitude whirls inside me. Growing up in the suburbs of Philadelphia, I spent much of my childhood in the city and around basketball. Countless days were spent outside on the courts diligently working out with hopes that one day I’d be able to pursue my passion, to play Division I basketball while furthering my education. It was not only a beautiful experience to see my hard work pay off, but to also see the immense amount of belief my family had in me only expand. As I achieved that, my goals only grew larger. As a little girl slapping the ball learning how to dribble, I never would have been able to picture the opportunities that have come…especially for a young woman. That’s where my gratitude comes in. I am beyond appreciative & I’d love to help promote.


UNC Asheville Bulldogs • Big South • South Carolina Upstate Spartans


Most Valuable Player


Asheville, NC, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Ridley Township, PA, USA


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Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 5
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Athlete profile featured image number 5 of 5

Dakota McCaughan

Women's Basketball • Guard

Dakota McCaughan athlete profile head shot



As I sit here beginning to type all the reasons I’d love to be involved, I’m overwhelmed with a multitude of emotions. First and foremost, I feel blessed with a sense of joy. As such, a feeling of immense gratitude whirls inside me. Growing up in the suburbs of Philadelphia, I spent much of my childhood in the city and around basketball. Countless days were spent outside on the courts diligently working out with hopes that one day I’d be able to pursue my passion, to play Division I basketball while furthering my education. It was not only a beautiful experience to see my hard work pay off, but to also see the immense amount of belief my family had in me only expand. As I achieved that, my goals only grew larger. As a little girl slapping the ball learning how to dribble, I never would have been able to picture the opportunities that have come…especially for a young woman. That’s where my gratitude comes in. I am beyond appreciative & I’d love to help promote.


UNC Asheville Bulldogs • Big South • South Carolina Upstate Spartans


Most Valuable Player


Asheville, NC, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Ridley Township, PA, USA


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Fashion & beauty

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Movies & TV

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For personal use

Frequently purchased



Dakota will record a video for you

More options for family, friends, or yourself



Dakota will post on social media for you



Dakota will attend your practice or event



Dakota will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Dakota will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

Use our step-by-step deal builder to send offers or post opportunities for a marketing campaign

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