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Darren Ketcham

Men's Wrestling

Darren Ketcham athlete profile head shot

For personal use

For personal use

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I’m from Long Island New York, I moved away from new york wanted to break the cycle from my parents being poor and unfortunately dealing with drugs and unfortunate situations. So I spent my efforts into school and wrestling to escape that lifestyle and I made it onto Mizzou to make something and achieve something to give my kids a life where they never have to worry about drugs or homelessness.


Columbia, MO, USA


Student athlete • Male • White • 22 • English


Rocky Point, NY, USA

Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 4
Athlete profile featured image number 2 of 4
Athlete profile featured image number 3 of 4
Athlete profile featured image number 4 of 4

Darren Ketcham

Men's Wrestling

Darren Ketcham athlete profile head shot



I’m from Long Island New York, I moved away from new york wanted to break the cycle from my parents being poor and unfortunately dealing with drugs and unfortunate situations. So I spent my efforts into school and wrestling to escape that lifestyle and I made it onto Mizzou to make something and achieve something to give my kids a life where they never have to worry about drugs or homelessness.


Columbia, MO, USA


Student athlete • Male • White • 22 • English


Rocky Point, NY, USA

For personal use

Frequently purchased



Darren will record a video for you

More options for family, friends, or yourself



Darren will post on social media for you



Darren will attend your practice or event



Darren will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Darren will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

Use our step-by-step deal builder to send offers or post opportunities for a marketing campaign

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