Demi RodrguezWomen's Basketball • Shooting Guard
Women's Basketball • Shooting Guard

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I am a 2nd year womens college basketball player at schoolcraft college. I’ve been playing basketball since the 5th grade. I played aau for hype athletics and 1nation where I played with big time players and in a big basketball atmosphere. From there I played at macomb college where we won regional, conference championship and went undefeated. We feel short when COVID happened where we were predicted to get placed in the national tournament with the only team left with zero loses. From there I transferred to school craft college to hope to win a national championship.
NJCAA • Region 12 • Schoolcraft College Ocelots, Macomb Community College
Most Valuable Player • Collegiate Conference Tournament Champion • Collegiate Conference Champion • Collegiate All-Conference • Collegiate Player of the week
Student athlete • Female • Hispanic • English
Dearborn Heights, MI, USA

Demi RodrguezWomen's Basketball • Shooting Guard
Women's Basketball • Shooting Guard

I am a 2nd year womens college basketball player at schoolcraft college. I’ve been playing basketball since the 5th grade. I played aau for hype athletics and 1nation where I played with big time players and in a big basketball atmosphere. From there I played at macomb college where we won regional, conference championship and went undefeated. We feel short when COVID happened where we were predicted to get placed in the national tournament with the only team left with zero loses. From there I transferred to school craft college to hope to win a national championship.
NJCAA • Region 12 • Schoolcraft College Ocelots, Macomb Community College
Most Valuable Player • Collegiate Conference Tournament Champion • Collegiate Conference Champion • Collegiate All-Conference • Collegiate Player of the week
Student athlete • Female • Hispanic • English
Dearborn Heights, MI, USA
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For brand or business use
For brand or business use
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