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Grace Agster

Women's Tennis • Single, Double

All-Star profile

Grace Agster athlete profile head shot

For personal use

For personal use

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For brand or business use

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Hi I’m Grace, a Division I tennis player at Wofford College! Last fall, I was ranked 116 in the nation for women’s tennis. In the spring I earned Second-Team doubles and was one of the top six freshman in conference. I am a Business Economics and Spanish double major with an interest in social media, marketing, and communications! Outside of tennis, I am VP Communication for my sorority Zeta Tau Alpha. I enjoy spending time with my friends, family, & dog! I’m interested in everything beauty, skincare, & fashion. I enjoy doing actives that are good for mental health: such as listening to motivational podcasts, reading classic novels, painting/coloring, doing my nails, face masks, etc. In high school, I was Student Body President & started my own club with my best friend, where we boosted school spirit for events and on a daily basis through running our instagram & announcements!


Wofford Terriers • NCAA


Spartanburg, SC, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Apex, NC, USA


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Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 5
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Athlete profile featured image number 5 of 5

Grace Agster

Women's Tennis • Single, Double

All-Star profile

Grace Agster athlete profile head shot



Hi I’m Grace, a Division I tennis player at Wofford College! Last fall, I was ranked 116 in the nation for women’s tennis. In the spring I earned Second-Team doubles and was one of the top six freshman in conference. I am a Business Economics and Spanish double major with an interest in social media, marketing, and communications! Outside of tennis, I am VP Communication for my sorority Zeta Tau Alpha. I enjoy spending time with my friends, family, & dog! I’m interested in everything beauty, skincare, & fashion. I enjoy doing actives that are good for mental health: such as listening to motivational podcasts, reading classic novels, painting/coloring, doing my nails, face masks, etc. In high school, I was Student Body President & started my own club with my best friend, where we boosted school spirit for events and on a daily basis through running our instagram & announcements!


Wofford Terriers • NCAA


Spartanburg, SC, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Apex, NC, USA


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Fashion & beauty

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Home & family

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Arts & culture

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For personal use

Frequently purchased



Grace will record a video for you

More options for family, friends, or yourself



Grace will post on social media for you



Grace will attend your practice or event



Grace will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Grace will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

Use our step-by-step deal builder to send offers or post opportunities for a marketing campaign

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