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Hunter Armstrong

Men's Swimming & Diving • Backstroke, Freestyle

Hunter Armstrong athlete profile head shot

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Some things about me that may surprise people. -My legal name is Joseph Hunter, but I go by Hunter. -I do magic outside of swimming...mostly "up close" street magic. -I love singing and musical theater. Since most lead roles go to tenors, I end up playing support roles as a bass. -I'm somewhat late to the sport of swimming. I have been competing part time since I was 5, but never really got serious until my Jr year in High School. -I was a multi-sport athlete growing up. -My Gold Medal from Tokyo came as a prelim swimmer for the 4 X 100M Medley Relay (backstroke leg), but the pride I felt when they played our National Anthem and raised our Flag brought me to tears, even though I wasn't on the podium with the guys who swam in finals.


USA Swimming • Big Ten • Ohio State Buckeyes


Collegiate All-American • Collegiate All-Conference • Olympic Gold Medalist


Columbus, OH, USA


Professional athlete • Male • White • 23 • English


Dover, OH, USA


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Wine / Spirits

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Hunter Armstrong

Men's Swimming & Diving • Backstroke, Freestyle

Hunter Armstrong athlete profile head shot



Some things about me that may surprise people. -My legal name is Joseph Hunter, but I go by Hunter. -I do magic outside of swimming...mostly "up close" street magic. -I love singing and musical theater. Since most lead roles go to tenors, I end up playing support roles as a bass. -I'm somewhat late to the sport of swimming. I have been competing part time since I was 5, but never really got serious until my Jr year in High School. -I was a multi-sport athlete growing up. -My Gold Medal from Tokyo came as a prelim swimmer for the 4 X 100M Medley Relay (backstroke leg), but the pride I felt when they played our National Anthem and raised our Flag brought me to tears, even though I wasn't on the podium with the guys who swam in finals.


USA Swimming • Big Ten • Ohio State Buckeyes


Collegiate All-American • Collegiate All-Conference • Olympic Gold Medalist


Columbus, OH, USA


Professional athlete • Male • White • 23 • English


Dover, OH, USA


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Wine / Spirits

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Hunter will attend your practice or event



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For brand or business use

For brand or business use

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