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My name is Josten Ucros. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico till about middle school when my parents decided to move to Orlando Florida. Once I moved to Florida I was trying to adjust and fit in so I tried and joined many sports but it wasn’t until about the end of 8th grade that I found out about lacrosse and I felt I love with the sport. After that I spent countless hours training and practicing till the point where my parents told me to calm down and give it a rest because all I did or thought about was lacrosse. Lacrosse became part of my life and was able to do very good by my senior year having over 18 college offers. At the moment I am captain and senior of keiser University’s lacrosse team as well as studying sports medicine in hopes to go to med school and do orthopedics. I am also on the Puerto Rico mens national Lacrosse team competing around the nation and in other countries.
West Palm Beach, FL, USA
Former athlete
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

My name is Josten Ucros. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico till about middle school when my parents decided to move to Orlando Florida. Once I moved to Florida I was trying to adjust and fit in so I tried and joined many sports but it wasn’t until about the end of 8th grade that I found out about lacrosse and I felt I love with the sport. After that I spent countless hours training and practicing till the point where my parents told me to calm down and give it a rest because all I did or thought about was lacrosse. Lacrosse became part of my life and was able to do very good by my senior year having over 18 college offers. At the moment I am captain and senior of keiser University’s lacrosse team as well as studying sports medicine in hopes to go to med school and do orthopedics. I am also on the Puerto Rico mens national Lacrosse team competing around the nation and in other countries.
West Palm Beach, FL, USA
Former athlete
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
For personal use
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Josten will post on social media for you
Josten will attend your practice or event
Josten will sign something for you
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For brand or business use
For brand or business use
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