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Kaira Mannio

Women's Track & Field • Pole Vault

All-Star profile

Kaira Mannio athlete profile head shot

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Kaira Mannio | Pole Vaulter, Redshirt Sophomore | Marketing Hi, I’m Kaira! I like to focus on nutrition, self-care, and mental health. Values I’ve come to appreciate after a season-ending injury that sidelined me and delayed my next seasons. The recovery process shaped my approach to both training and life, and now I’m passionate about working with brands that align with my lifestyle, from sports gear to healthy snacks and wellness products that help me stay on top of my game. Interest/Passions •Social Media - TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat •Organic, Non-GMO, all natural foods •Coffee •Clothes - Athletic •Video Games - Xbox •Cooking •Music - Guitar, Piano Injury: Initially hurt in Mar. 23’, had surgery in July 23’, non weight bearing until Nov. 23’. I was in a boot until I could walk normally. Physical Therapy from Jan.-April 24’


Central Missouri Mules & Jennies


Warrensburg, MO, USA


Student athlete • Female • Asian, White • English


Gardner, KS, USA


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Kaira Mannio

Women's Track & Field • Pole Vault

All-Star profile

Kaira Mannio athlete profile head shot



Kaira Mannio | Pole Vaulter, Redshirt Sophomore | Marketing Hi, I’m Kaira! I like to focus on nutrition, self-care, and mental health. Values I’ve come to appreciate after a season-ending injury that sidelined me and delayed my next seasons. The recovery process shaped my approach to both training and life, and now I’m passionate about working with brands that align with my lifestyle, from sports gear to healthy snacks and wellness products that help me stay on top of my game. Interest/Passions •Social Media - TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat •Organic, Non-GMO, all natural foods •Coffee •Clothes - Athletic •Video Games - Xbox •Cooking •Music - Guitar, Piano Injury: Initially hurt in Mar. 23’, had surgery in July 23’, non weight bearing until Nov. 23’. I was in a boot until I could walk normally. Physical Therapy from Jan.-April 24’


Central Missouri Mules & Jennies


Warrensburg, MO, USA


Student athlete • Female • Asian, White • English


Gardner, KS, USA


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Home & family

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For personal use

Frequently purchased



Kaira will record a video for you

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Kaira will post on social media for you



Kaira will attend your practice or event



Kaira will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Kaira will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

Use our step-by-step deal builder to send offers or post opportunities for a marketing campaign

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