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Kayleigh Mack

Women's Soccer • Right Wing, Left Wing, Striker, Forward

All-Star profile

Kayleigh Mack athlete profile head shot

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I am an international soccer player at cowley college, sophomore year #9. I have signed up to opendorse for I want to create a platform to help athletes get closer to God and support those who are struggling with mental health and injuries. This year I have personally had to overcome surgery while having the pressure of getting enough stats to transfer to a good university. This journey was not easy for me both physically and mentally but I am thankful as it brought me closer to God. I feel as though I now have a purpose to share my experience and create support for student athletes or just athletes in general that are struggling with both their sport and journey with God.


Cowley County Community College • NJCAA


Arkansas City, KS, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Manchester, UK


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Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 5
Athlete profile featured image number 2 of 5
Athlete profile featured image number 3 of 5
Athlete profile featured image number 4 of 5
Athlete profile featured image number 5 of 5

Kayleigh Mack

Women's Soccer • Right Wing, Left Wing, Striker, Forward

All-Star profile

Kayleigh Mack athlete profile head shot



I am an international soccer player at cowley college, sophomore year #9. I have signed up to opendorse for I want to create a platform to help athletes get closer to God and support those who are struggling with mental health and injuries. This year I have personally had to overcome surgery while having the pressure of getting enough stats to transfer to a good university. This journey was not easy for me both physically and mentally but I am thankful as it brought me closer to God. I feel as though I now have a purpose to share my experience and create support for student athletes or just athletes in general that are struggling with both their sport and journey with God.


Cowley County Community College • NJCAA


Arkansas City, KS, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Manchester, UK


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For personal use

Frequently purchased



Kayleigh will record a video for you

More options for family, friends, or yourself



Kayleigh will post on social media for you



Kayleigh will attend your practice or event



Kayleigh will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Kayleigh will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

Use our step-by-step deal builder to send offers or post opportunities for a marketing campaign

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