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Larissa Laborin

Women's Basketball • Guard

Larissa Laborin athlete profile head shot

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Hello my name is Larissa Laborin I’m a freshman and WNMU play basketball, my senior year of high school I tore my ACL and meniscus. Thinking my basketball career was over after all schools lost interest. I spent 6-7 hours a day in the athletic training room getting rehab and getting stronger. My surgeon told me I would play in a year but that wasn’t going to stop me or discourage me. After a long 5 months of isolation I finally made it back to play 13 games. After that people who were gonna be going through the same thing reached out to me. The Las cruces sun news had a article that released about my journey also a podcast called sports N more. My goal is to show the young girls in high school or younger that no matter what never give up even when you think it’s over.


Western New Mexico University • Lone Star Conference


Silver City, NM, USA


Student athlete • Female • Hispanic • English


Las Cruces, NM, USA

Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 5
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Athlete profile featured image number 5 of 5

Larissa Laborin

Women's Basketball • Guard

Larissa Laborin athlete profile head shot



Hello my name is Larissa Laborin I’m a freshman and WNMU play basketball, my senior year of high school I tore my ACL and meniscus. Thinking my basketball career was over after all schools lost interest. I spent 6-7 hours a day in the athletic training room getting rehab and getting stronger. My surgeon told me I would play in a year but that wasn’t going to stop me or discourage me. After a long 5 months of isolation I finally made it back to play 13 games. After that people who were gonna be going through the same thing reached out to me. The Las cruces sun news had a article that released about my journey also a podcast called sports N more. My goal is to show the young girls in high school or younger that no matter what never give up even when you think it’s over.


Western New Mexico University • Lone Star Conference


Silver City, NM, USA


Student athlete • Female • Hispanic • English


Las Cruces, NM, USA

For personal use

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For brand or business use

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