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San Diego State Aztecs NIL Marketplace

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Logan Nidy

Women's Soccer • Attacker, Defender

All-Star profile

Logan Nidy athlete profile head shot

For personal use

For personal use

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Logan will record a video for you

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Logan will post on social media for you



Logan will attend your practice or event



Logan will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Logan will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

Use our step-by-step deal builder to send offers or post opportunities for a marketing campaign

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My name is Logan Nidy and I am a junior on the Women’s SDSU soccer team. I grew up in Fresno, California and couldn’t be more excited to be in San Diego! My interests are working out, sports, spending time with my family, crocheting, clothes and shoes, and reading my Bible! Something unique about me is that growing up I played 10 different sports! My love and passion for all sports have still remained super strong to this day! As a student athlete I know the importance of managing my time and working hard in the classroom and on the field! That is why I am studying biology in hopes that one day I could become a nurse. Since sports have always been such a big part of my life, I am looking forward to representing not only my sport but my school in brand partnerships to not only grow my name, image, and likeness but also YOUR name, image, and likeness! Looking forward to working with you guys!


San Diego State Aztecs • Mountain West


San Diego, CA, USA

Fresno, CA, USA


Student athlete • Female • Hispanic, White • English


Fresno, CA, USA


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Movies & TV

Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 5
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Athlete profile featured image number 5 of 5

Logan Nidy

Women's Soccer • Attacker, Defender

All-Star profile

Logan Nidy athlete profile head shot



My name is Logan Nidy and I am a junior on the Women’s SDSU soccer team. I grew up in Fresno, California and couldn’t be more excited to be in San Diego! My interests are working out, sports, spending time with my family, crocheting, clothes and shoes, and reading my Bible! Something unique about me is that growing up I played 10 different sports! My love and passion for all sports have still remained super strong to this day! As a student athlete I know the importance of managing my time and working hard in the classroom and on the field! That is why I am studying biology in hopes that one day I could become a nurse. Since sports have always been such a big part of my life, I am looking forward to representing not only my sport but my school in brand partnerships to not only grow my name, image, and likeness but also YOUR name, image, and likeness! Looking forward to working with you guys!


San Diego State Aztecs • Mountain West


San Diego, CA, USA

Fresno, CA, USA


Student athlete • Female • Hispanic, White • English


Fresno, CA, USA


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Movies & TV

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For personal use

Frequently purchased



Logan will record a video for you

More options for family, friends, or yourself



Logan will post on social media for you



Logan will attend your practice or event



Logan will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Logan will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

Use our step-by-step deal builder to send offers or post opportunities for a marketing campaign

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