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Madison Franco

Women's Rowing

All-Star profile

Madison Franco athlete profile head shot

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My name is Madi Franco, and I am a sophomore business student who is planning on studying accounting. I love to read, bake, crochet, travel, and listen to music (as well as collect CDs and records). I also love aquaphor (I don’t leave the house without it), coffee shops, craft stores, and going to concerts. I am a big believer in lgbtqia+ rights and human rights in general. Some of my favorite sports to watch that aren’t rowing are hockey, formula 1, soccer, and football. I also have a huge passion for marine biology 🦀🐡🦑.


Portland Pilots • West Coast Conference


Portland, OR, USA

San Jose, CA, USA


Student athlete • Female • Hispanic, Latino, White • English


San Jose, CA, USA


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Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 4
Athlete profile featured image number 2 of 4
Athlete profile featured image number 3 of 4
Athlete profile featured image number 4 of 4

Madison Franco

Women's Rowing

All-Star profile

Madison Franco athlete profile head shot



My name is Madi Franco, and I am a sophomore business student who is planning on studying accounting. I love to read, bake, crochet, travel, and listen to music (as well as collect CDs and records). I also love aquaphor (I don’t leave the house without it), coffee shops, craft stores, and going to concerts. I am a big believer in lgbtqia+ rights and human rights in general. Some of my favorite sports to watch that aren’t rowing are hockey, formula 1, soccer, and football. I also have a huge passion for marine biology 🦀🐡🦑.


Portland Pilots • West Coast Conference


Portland, OR, USA

San Jose, CA, USA


Student athlete • Female • Hispanic, Latino, White • English


San Jose, CA, USA


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For personal use

Frequently purchased



Madison will record a video for you

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Madison will post on social media for you



Madison will attend your practice or event



Madison will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Madison will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

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