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Morgan Svec

Women's Gymnastics • Bars, Vault

All-Star profile

Morgan Svec athlete profile head shot

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Hi!! My name is Morgan Svec, and I am a junior on the Simpson College Women's Gymnastics team. I compete both bars and vault, and also am the team's SAAC representative and academic captain. I am currently pursuing a degree in chemistry, but my big aspiration is to commission in the US Marine Corps and become a pilot. I am currently enrolled in the USMC's officer candidate program, and have completed the first 6 weeks of training in Quantico, VA, and will go back again next summer to complete the second half. I also coach at Chow's gymnastics, where I work with girls who are on the track to the Junior Olympic team. In my free time, I love shopping, hanging out with friends and family, traveling, and doing anything outdoors!


Simpson College • NCAA


Des Moines, IA, USA

Indianola, IA, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Cumming, IA, USA


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Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 5
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Morgan Svec

Women's Gymnastics • Bars, Vault

All-Star profile

Morgan Svec athlete profile head shot



Hi!! My name is Morgan Svec, and I am a junior on the Simpson College Women's Gymnastics team. I compete both bars and vault, and also am the team's SAAC representative and academic captain. I am currently pursuing a degree in chemistry, but my big aspiration is to commission in the US Marine Corps and become a pilot. I am currently enrolled in the USMC's officer candidate program, and have completed the first 6 weeks of training in Quantico, VA, and will go back again next summer to complete the second half. I also coach at Chow's gymnastics, where I work with girls who are on the track to the Junior Olympic team. In my free time, I love shopping, hanging out with friends and family, traveling, and doing anything outdoors!


Simpson College • NCAA


Des Moines, IA, USA

Indianola, IA, USA


Student athlete • Female • White • English


Cumming, IA, USA


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Fashion & beauty

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Morgan will attend your practice or event



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For brand or business use

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