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Central Michigan Chippewas

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Nathan VanTimmeren

Football • Tight end

All-Star profile

Nathan VanTimmeren athlete profile head shot

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My name is Nathan Vantimmeren, and I am a first-year student at CMU from Allendale MI. My four-year plan is to play football and study business before earning a master's degree. Whether it was in the fields or the pig pens, I have worked my entire life. I can use my hands to handle a shovel and work heavy equipment. Since I've been selling things and interacting with people since I was nine years old, I really enjoy doing both. In addition to being challenged, I want to work somewhere where I can support and uplift people. I will do what it takes to win I have won 3 state championships and only lost 4 games in High School for GR Catholic Central. Love working with people, always looking to try new things!!!!


Central Michigan Chippewas • MAC


Mount Pleasant, MI, USA


Student athlete • Male • White • English


Allendale, MI, USA


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Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 5
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Athlete profile featured image number 3 of 5
Athlete profile featured image number 4 of 5
Athlete profile featured image number 5 of 5

Nathan VanTimmeren

Football • Tight end

All-Star profile

Nathan VanTimmeren athlete profile head shot



My name is Nathan Vantimmeren, and I am a first-year student at CMU from Allendale MI. My four-year plan is to play football and study business before earning a master's degree. Whether it was in the fields or the pig pens, I have worked my entire life. I can use my hands to handle a shovel and work heavy equipment. Since I've been selling things and interacting with people since I was nine years old, I really enjoy doing both. In addition to being challenged, I want to work somewhere where I can support and uplift people. I will do what it takes to win I have won 3 state championships and only lost 4 games in High School for GR Catholic Central. Love working with people, always looking to try new things!!!!


Central Michigan Chippewas • MAC


Mount Pleasant, MI, USA


Student athlete • Male • White • English


Allendale, MI, USA


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Home & family

For personal use

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Nathan will record a video for you

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Nathan will post on social media for you



Nathan will attend your practice or event



Nathan will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Nathan will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

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