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Nikola Babic

Men's Soccer • Center back, Defender, Right back

Nikola Babic athlete profile head shot

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Hello, I'm Nikola Babic (6'1 tall and 165 pounds) I was born in Serbia but grew up in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I started playing football when I was 7 years old. Already at the age of 17, I started playing in the first team for the team whose youth academy I went through. I played for clubs from the second tier of my country (FK Borac Kozarska Dubica and FK Slavija Istočno Sarajevo). I also played for teams from the third division (FK Romanija Pale and FK Glasinac Sokolac). I came to America in August 2021 at Bryan College. I played my entire freshman season at the position of CB/RB (Appalachian Athletic Conference). I was a starter in 15 league games. The season ended very well because we managed to choose to play in the national tournament. For my second year, I decided to transfer to a bigger division. I currently play at North Greenville University (Division 2—Carolina Conference).


North Greenville University • Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina • Bryan College


Tigerville, SC, USA

Cleveland, TN, USA


Student athlete • Male • White • English, Russian, Ukranian


Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina


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Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 5
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Athlete profile featured image number 5 of 5

Nikola Babic

Men's Soccer • Center back, Defender, Right back

Nikola Babic athlete profile head shot



Hello, I'm Nikola Babic (6'1 tall and 165 pounds) I was born in Serbia but grew up in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I started playing football when I was 7 years old. Already at the age of 17, I started playing in the first team for the team whose youth academy I went through. I played for clubs from the second tier of my country (FK Borac Kozarska Dubica and FK Slavija Istočno Sarajevo). I also played for teams from the third division (FK Romanija Pale and FK Glasinac Sokolac). I came to America in August 2021 at Bryan College. I played my entire freshman season at the position of CB/RB (Appalachian Athletic Conference). I was a starter in 15 league games. The season ended very well because we managed to choose to play in the national tournament. For my second year, I decided to transfer to a bigger division. I currently play at North Greenville University (Division 2—Carolina Conference).


North Greenville University • Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina • Bryan College


Tigerville, SC, USA

Cleveland, TN, USA


Student athlete • Male • White • English, Russian, Ukranian


Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina


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For brand or business use

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