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Patti Rizzo

Women's Golf

Patti Rizzo athlete profile head shot

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Played LPGA , 5 wins! Played JLPGA- 9 wins Coaching D-ll 6 years Coaching D-l univ of Miami 12 years Psychology degree UM Hall of Fame Broward county Hall of Fame Two children- Severiano Depardon and Gabriella Depardon


Hollywood, FL, USA


Coach • Female • White • 64 • English

Patti Rizzo

Women's Golf

Patti Rizzo athlete profile head shot



Played LPGA , 5 wins! Played JLPGA- 9 wins Coaching D-ll 6 years Coaching D-l univ of Miami 12 years Psychology degree UM Hall of Fame Broward county Hall of Fame Two children- Severiano Depardon and Gabriella Depardon


Hollywood, FL, USA


Coach • Female • White • 64 • English

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For brand or business use

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