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Samuel Mudie

Samuel Mudie athlete profile head shot

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Sam Mudie is a member of the Halton Hurricanes U18 AAA team. Sam is a left-handed forward and currently measures 6'1 and weighs 175lbs. Sam contributes to his team as a two-way, 200 foot player and models his game after Patrice Bergeron, an accomplished forward with defensive skill. His speed and skills are complemented by his physical presence on the ice. He utilizes his size and strength to control the play and protect the puck. Sam attends Aldershot Highschool in Burlington and is enrolled in the ISTEM program.


Student athlete • 17

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Athlete profile featured image number 4 of 4

Samuel Mudie

Samuel Mudie athlete profile head shot



Sam Mudie is a member of the Halton Hurricanes U18 AAA team. Sam is a left-handed forward and currently measures 6'1 and weighs 175lbs. Sam contributes to his team as a two-way, 200 foot player and models his game after Patrice Bergeron, an accomplished forward with defensive skill. His speed and skills are complemented by his physical presence on the ice. He utilizes his size and strength to control the play and protect the puck. Sam attends Aldershot Highschool in Burlington and is enrolled in the ISTEM program.


Student athlete • 17

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For brand or business use

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