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Shon Tupuola

Men's Basketball • Center, Power Forward

All-Star profile

Shon Tupuola athlete profile head shot

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Hi my name is Shon Tupuola and I am a basketball player at Saint Mary of Woods College in Indiana. I just finished my freshman year which I had a great season. I was top in NAIA basketball in rebounding , blocked shots and fg%. I helped our team to a 17-1 record in conference and an overall record of 25-7. I believe that through the way I carry myself and the way I play basketball , I can help bring people people to your product or service. My community look up to me because I am a symbol of adversity. Dealing with injury prior to my freshman season, many people said that I will be lucky to even play again. However I was determined to reach my goal. Which my goal is to make the NBA . Right now, I am on the right track to make it. So I blocked out the noise and I came back an even stronger athlete/person. This showed my community that you have to trust the process.


River States Conference • Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College


West Terre Haute, IN, USA


Student athlete • Male • Black • English


Brownsburg, IN, USA


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Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 4
Athlete profile featured image number 2 of 4
Athlete profile featured image number 3 of 4
Athlete profile featured image number 4 of 4

Shon Tupuola

Men's Basketball • Center, Power Forward

All-Star profile

Shon Tupuola athlete profile head shot



Hi my name is Shon Tupuola and I am a basketball player at Saint Mary of Woods College in Indiana. I just finished my freshman year which I had a great season. I was top in NAIA basketball in rebounding , blocked shots and fg%. I helped our team to a 17-1 record in conference and an overall record of 25-7. I believe that through the way I carry myself and the way I play basketball , I can help bring people people to your product or service. My community look up to me because I am a symbol of adversity. Dealing with injury prior to my freshman season, many people said that I will be lucky to even play again. However I was determined to reach my goal. Which my goal is to make the NBA . Right now, I am on the right track to make it. So I blocked out the noise and I came back an even stronger athlete/person. This showed my community that you have to trust the process.


River States Conference • Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College


West Terre Haute, IN, USA


Student athlete • Male • Black • English


Brownsburg, IN, USA


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Movies & TV

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For personal use

Frequently purchased



Shon will record a video for you

More options for family, friends, or yourself



Shon will post on social media for you



Shon will attend your practice or event



Shon will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Shon will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

Use our step-by-step deal builder to send offers or post opportunities for a marketing campaign

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