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Stevey Joy Chapman

Stevey Joy Chapman athlete profile head shot

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Hi! My name is Stevey Joy Chapman. I am a member of the Alabama Coed Cheerleading team. Ever since I began cheerleading, I knew it would be a dream come true to cheer at Alabama. Since my time here at the university, I have had the most amazing opportunity to tryout and make the US National Premier Coed Cheerleading Team. Surrounded by the best of the best athletes across the nation, I was one of the youngest to compete for the USA and was fortunate enough to bring home gold and earn the title of a World Champion.


Open Championship Cheerleading • Open Championship Cheerleading


Tuscaloosa, AL, USA


Student athlete


Franklin, TN, USA

Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 4
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Athlete profile featured image number 3 of 4
Athlete profile featured image number 4 of 4

Stevey Joy Chapman

Stevey Joy Chapman athlete profile head shot



Hi! My name is Stevey Joy Chapman. I am a member of the Alabama Coed Cheerleading team. Ever since I began cheerleading, I knew it would be a dream come true to cheer at Alabama. Since my time here at the university, I have had the most amazing opportunity to tryout and make the US National Premier Coed Cheerleading Team. Surrounded by the best of the best athletes across the nation, I was one of the youngest to compete for the USA and was fortunate enough to bring home gold and earn the title of a World Champion.


Open Championship Cheerleading • Open Championship Cheerleading


Tuscaloosa, AL, USA


Student athlete


Franklin, TN, USA

For personal use

Frequently purchased



Stevey Joy will record a video for you

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Stevey Joy will post on social media for you



Stevey Joy will attend your practice or event



Stevey Joy will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Stevey Joy will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

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