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Tavyeon Richardson

Football • Receiver

All-Star profile

Tavyeon Richardson athlete profile head shot

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First in for most my father is disabled and I found a reason of getting a college degree in exercise science because having the experience to help someone or my own family is the best because they won’t always have to go to a hospital or nurses office, or medical room and when I chose exercise science. I thought it would be a advantage for myself and parents because I believe taking care of the body is important to a happy long lifetime. I love video games specially call of duty, my favorite sports brand is adidas’s becauseI believe you get only a certain amount of strips in your life and you can either make the best of it or the worst that’s why I love the slogan “3 stripe life” by Adidas. If I had an opportunity to link with i would say adidas cause also my old high school is signed by adidas and you know one day hopefully I can have a charity event for my hometown where I grew up and give out to the athletes that need equipment clothes, shoes and a lot of other stuff.


Adidas • NAIA


Marshall, MI, USA


Student athlete • Male • Black • English


Indianapolis, IN, USA


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Apparel – Lifestyle

Apparel – Footwear

Apparel – Sporting Goods

Athlete profile featured image number 1 of 4
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Athlete profile featured image number 4 of 4

Tavyeon Richardson

Football • Receiver

All-Star profile

Tavyeon Richardson athlete profile head shot



First in for most my father is disabled and I found a reason of getting a college degree in exercise science because having the experience to help someone or my own family is the best because they won’t always have to go to a hospital or nurses office, or medical room and when I chose exercise science. I thought it would be a advantage for myself and parents because I believe taking care of the body is important to a happy long lifetime. I love video games specially call of duty, my favorite sports brand is adidas’s becauseI believe you get only a certain amount of strips in your life and you can either make the best of it or the worst that’s why I love the slogan “3 stripe life” by Adidas. If I had an opportunity to link with i would say adidas cause also my old high school is signed by adidas and you know one day hopefully I can have a charity event for my hometown where I grew up and give out to the athletes that need equipment clothes, shoes and a lot of other stuff.


Adidas • NAIA


Marshall, MI, USA


Student athlete • Male • Black • English


Indianapolis, IN, USA


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Opt-out due to exclusive deals

Apparel – Lifestyle

Apparel – Footwear

Apparel – Sporting Goods

For personal use

Frequently purchased



Tavyeon will record a video for you

More options for family, friends, or yourself



Tavyeon will post on social media for you



Tavyeon will attend your practice or event



Tavyeon will sign something for you

Pitch Anything


Tavyeon will respond to your custom request

For brand or business use

For brand or business use

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